
Monday, April 19, 2010


I found a few important pictures for my topic. I narrowed my topic down to the Chinese exclusion act and how it affected California along with the views toward the Chinese. This is a picture of the Chinese exclusion act, it looks authentic I did a background check on the website and it seems to be legit. This website has records of Chinese immigrants and some great pictures. It also had a downloadable document with tons of useful information.
In a book California History the author talked about the Chinese exclusion act in California. She mainly talked about the economic growth that was a result of the Chinese coming to America. They also contributed through labor in the mines, agriculture, and railroads. During the 30 year period from 1850 to 1880 anti Chinese agitators in California captured the news spotlight, suggesting to East coast observers that there was agreement among Californians on the need to seriously restrict or altogether exclude Chinese immigrants. The authors argument in this section of the book was that no matter what the Chinese contributed in people didn't recognize it. They only recognized the spot light of the Chinese exclusion act.
My second secondary source is a book called The North American Review, Ho Yow the author, is arguing whether the Chinese Exclusion act was a benefit or harm. She's just giving points on each of the arguments. She also describes how the exclusion act caused the United States to cut off all communication with China during the time. She gives great counter points to each argument that are very helpful to my topic once I piece them together.

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