
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Assignment 7- Uncovering our findings

During my 7 week period of researching my topic I found out tons of information on the Exclusion Act after 1882. A lot of the information was overwhelming at time but it has been helpful in understanding why these events were happening. I've found out that there were 3 exclusion acts in 1882,1892, and 1902. Every 10 years a new exclusion act was renewed. But every Exclusion Act was intensified and it had it's effects on the Chinese especially in the Bay Area. A lot of the Chinese immigrants were processed in Angel Island so the bay area was the core place of immigration detainment. Many American were against Asian immigrants because they would work for low wages and take jobs of Americans. The Exclusion Acts were really enforced in the Bay Area because we had a high percentage of Asian immigrants because they were detained in Angel Island. At the time it was a positive thing to have a place to isolate all immigrants from Americans. Now its an embarrassment because it shows how bad racism was back then and how we treated Asian immigrants. It tells us that we follow laws even if we don't believe they are right. Our past is not a good past to be remembered by but its part of our history. The story of the Exclusion Acts and Angel island reveals how the Bay Area contributed to the negative history of the United States.

1 comment:

  1. The fear of jobs being stolen from certian people or group has transpired greatly in history. The Americans saw the Chinese as taking wages and jobs away from them, this event could be compared to the events that happened in Europe where the Germans thought that the jews were taking their jobs away. But history and the past is meant to be used as a way of learning and making sure things do not repaeat themselves.
